
Eco Chic Wedding Designs - Where Do I Find Them ?

A few years ago I was part of the Mid Atlantic Green Wedding Showcase  & Eco Fashion Show up in the Washington, DC/Baltimore area. It was awesome seeing the interest many brides had in decreasing the waste and expenses of a wedding and in finding Green choices for their weddings. The Eco Fashion Show was fun since it not only showed off bridal and bridesmaids designs of emerging wedding designers but also showcased some vintage designs curated by the lovely Rissa at Balance Weddings along with Nathaniel at BalancePhotography.

Punk Rock Bride - Sasha
Punk Rock Bride - Sasha
At the time I had an etsy shop and was just beginning to put together a website. My business name was Style Tantrum Designs and my shop on etsy was colorada. Later it was changed to Tattered Chic, leading to the blog name. I still go by that name along with Wispy Chic and StyleTantrum.

The following year the cast of designers was larger and many more styles were shown, which was both an inspiration and educational in that I learned a lot about runway modeling and how to prepare for a show. The next year the event was discontinued, but at the time a master list of designers was created. Recently the list has gotten harder to find, so I wanted to revive it for brides seeking to find different eco chic wedding designers' lines.

Keep in mind that the original list has 2 different years, with some repetition on each. Also, since most of the designers are online rather than only local, you should be able to locate gowns no matter where the designers are located. Each designer is different, but with many, since each gown is custom, very little local fitting is required (if any).

Which Goose Designs
WhichGoose Designs

I'll be gradually working on improving this list and making it a bit easier to work with, but for now, I'll just post the list such as it is. Since many of the designers, including myself have changed websites and locations, think of this as a skeleton list. I'll also link back here to the original list on the event website put together by Rissa.

If I get that far, I hope to do a tiny post on each of the designers to see how their business or sites have changed and to see what their focus is currently. At the moment the list is a work in progress. Many of the links I've tried so far are dead. Also, like myself, many of the designers will have more than one shop with different designs in each location, so a single listing is not really enough. My shop for instance, is listed (Style Tantrum), but my focus has moved to my primary shop (Wispy Chic) now - so the info is not current. When the list is done, each designer will be able to give a better picture of where to locate their designs.

If you are a designer listed here and have new info for your business, please let me know at cynna@styletantrum.com. I'll do my best to locate the designers - comment if you have info on this.

Eco Chic Wedding and Fashion Designers: