
Lately I've Been...

I've been....OK here goes.

Moving to Florida, finding an apartment, settling down, trying to find new fabric sources and having trouble with it.

Getting off etsy. They went to a manufacturer setup over handmade. I loved etsy, but I need my own site !

Opening a website on www.wispychic.com and another on www.styletantrum.com. Probably going to have the same items soon...still listing on StyleTantrum.

Fighting a roof leak in the apartment that would daily flood the apartment, so I had to move...again.

Finding a new apartment. Working to get settled and squeeze available light for photos.

Recovering from computer failure and camera dying......still making things :) Some of my more ambitious spring wedding designs are maybe going to be summer plans. Photos will take a bit to improve while I get used to new camera.

Making things....it's been a tough few months since the fall.  Finally getting back to creating some new designs now....it's almost February !!

Just so you know.

5 New Things

Sometimes it's difficult to come up with a subject and I just want to post random photos....kind of a 'oh, I love that one.....I need to do that collar again....ooh, cute bodice'...ya know ? So in lieu of shop news,  I'm doing a 5 favorite random photos....I sort of like that :)

I'm working with a new camera since my Nikon died...(and it was practically new...but out of warranty)...so apologies for photos....lots were done with my phone and I've never really applied myself to taking phone photos.